Trouble getting approved or ungated?

Have you had trouble getting approved to sell in certain gated categories such as Beauty, Health and Personal Care, or others?

Do you keep getting the run-around concerning approval to sell certain items?  Do you get messages like the one below and need an Amazon business consultant to guide you through the steps?

We can help!  Feel free to send us an email or submit a ticket to find out more.



Thank you for your interest in selling restricted ASIN: B00LECDH38I on note that this listing has been restricted based on reports that some customers have received products that are inconsistent with the product detail pages. Hence to ensure buyer satisfaction we occasionally restrict the sales of certain products to pre-approved sellers. In order to complete our review, please respond to this case with the following information:

* At least three invoices or purchase orders showing authenticity

Your invoices or purchase orders must (i) be dated within the last 180 days or show an item delivered or purchased within the last 180 days. Please note that a picture of your product or a stock picture of what you are selling will not be sufficient for our review. Additionally, we are not currently accepting retail receipts or online order confirmations. Please send in actual documentation supporting the authenticity of your products (as noted above).

You may obscure pricing information on any purchase orders, receipts, or invoices you send. We ask that you do not obscure any other portion of these documents.

Our pre-approval process supports our commitment to improving the customer experience. These reviews are intended to ensure products on meet the expectations of customers on our site. Please note that due to demand, your request may take several days to process.

Thank you for selling with Amazon,

Paul Kulkehe Seller Support