How to analyze your refunds and returns


By following the steps below, you will be able to do some in-depth analysis for why your products are being returned.

You will be able to see the reasons customers state vs. the real reasons vs. what Amazon thought when they inspected the return.
Utilizing this information may help you cull items from your inventory that are causing potential damage to your metrics.
You may also be able to use this information in a defense of your situation should you find your account or a specific product suspended.
Go to
Click on Reports in the Top, Middle of the page and select Fulfillment Reports.


You may be able to go there directly by following this link if you are already signed in to your account:  Fulfillment Reports.
Go to the Left side of the page, on the Bottom, under Customer Concessions, select Returns.
Choose the Download Tab, then the range you want such as the last 365 days and Request Download.


You can view that report on your screen instead by choosing View Online. If you choose the Download option, you will get a .txt file and you will need to import it into Excel so you can read it properly. Open Excel, then find (usually in your Downloads folder on your pc) and open the text file. You will have an Import Wizard pop up. Leave the radio button of Delimited checked. Hit the Next button. Leave the Tab box checked. Hit the Next button again. Then choose finish. You will want to save this as an Excel file where you can find it. Then, massage the information in the spreadsheet.
This information in the report is powerful because you can often see whether a buyer is gaming the system or not to get returns or free return shipping.


One way you can proactively prevent damage to your metrics is to always utilize inserts. They protect your account and prevent issues like especially buyer theft from causing an unnecessary and unmerited account suspension.
Here is an example:  Item was marked as “Item is defective” under the Reason column.
Under the Status column–though not in the above example–you might see in some cases that same product is marked as “Unit returned to inventory.”
This is an obvious abuse of the system as you can see that Amazon didn’t see anything wrong with the product after they received it, inspected it, and put it back into inventory.
You can take steps NOW to avoid this some of this fraud by making sure you have a great insert that complies with the TOS.

NEED a custom insert for your product?  We offer custom inserts for you here:  /product/custom-insert-for-your-products/

Brief Overview of JoeLister

“Hi Scott, it seems like you are experienced with JoeLister, if it’s not too much trouble, would you mind giving some pointers? I’m thinking about joining them. Thank you.”

I signed up for JoeLister and was very hesitant at first. I didn’t know how it would actually work and was concerned about how the transactions would be handled. I didn’t want it to affect my DSR’s at all because I always ship the same day or the next day at the latest and always use tracking. The listings that JoeLister creates for me automatically from my FBA inventory are NOT fancy. But, they are good enough for me. I don’t make fancy listings or use any special listing software because I like that “feel” better in that it looks like a real, organic listing from a real seller instead of some anonymous corporation. So, that is one thing to keep in mind if you are using a listing software already.

Also, when you bring the items across from your Amazon inventory, to me, all the prices were high or at least not accurate as compared to what I thought the right selling price should be on eBay. I recommend you check every single price manually to make sure your item will sell, show up in search, or not sell for far lower than it should. I think the primary difference has to do with shipping since when you see an FBA item, the shipping is all-inclusive. But, on eBay, the way shipping is included is all over the place.

Then, there is one more thing to definitely pay attention to. If you have low-priced items in your inventory, you most likely want to remove those from your cross-listing because the 3rd party fulfillment rates on Amazon are around $5.95. So, items where you typically make more from MFN because they go First Class or items where you don’t have enough margin to cover the fulfillment fees aren’t good candidates.

Here is my affiliate code for JoeLister. I recommend them because I have used them and like them, not because of any compensation. Of course, you aren’t obligated to use this and it is not why I’m offering free advice. It doesn’t cost you any more to use this code than if you go to the site on your own to purchase.

Amazon Seller University


This is a great resource for new Amazon Sellers. You can spend a lot of time here for free and get a really good basic understanding of the lay of the land. From there, you can get plenty of additional content for free via YouTube channels, podcasts, Facebook groups, etc. While I am a little biased, I have to say you can get all of the tips you need to get started from there by purchasing my coaching.  It is a great value and you’ll have a regular resource to rely on.  I offer package rates and you won’t have to worry about being nickel and dimed to death. I won’t start the clock ticking for at least 10 minutes so you don’t have to be afraid to ask simple questions.

