I was privileged to join Stephen Peterson of for one of his podcast interviews.

More about Stephen here:

I am proud to be added to his list with the other great influencers he has interviewed.

Hopefully you’ll find some information of value that you can implement to grow your business.

You can listen directly by going here:

click here:

or here:

Snippets from the interview:

Scott is the owner of a consulting company that helps remove neutral and negative feedback, along with suspension restorations, product mix and other Amazon related issues/opportunities. So sad to say I did not know our feedback detailed information. On the surface we had 100% feedback….until Scott helped me drill down and showed me I did have some issues. In this era of account suspensions, I suggest you take a harder look at your account and act now proactively to keep it healthy. Now he sells a service (his time and experience), and you can do this on your own, but if you need help, need not to take on another facet of your business this might be the right service to consider.


Scott mentioned: , Skype: SBM400, [email protected]Feedbackrepair Blog



“The best predictor of future performance is past performance”

“You are not just buying time, you are buying expertise”



Golden Nuggets:

Pursue ALL counterfeit claims aggressively to keep your account in good standing!

Approach each of the Amazon departments differently, they have different roles and you need to know what those roles are.


Actual Activity with our Account (before, during and after results)









Current Account after Removals
